How do you build trust as an industry leader?

Lara Sheldrake

"Thought leader" what does it mean and how can you become one in your own industry?

A thought leader, or influencer, is someone who, based on their expertise and perspective in an industry, offers unique guidance, inspires innovation and influences others. [Source: Business news daily]

When it comes to being trusted as an industry thought leader the most important thing to remember is people need to know, like and trust you. You can be an expert in your field, read all the books and make a daily effort to be up to date on as much as humanly possible but if you don't have a relatipnship with your audience you'll struggle to win their respect.

So how do you do this? Well it requires thoughtful consideration, time and passion.

Here are a few tips to get you started:

📣 First thing's first, how do they get to know you?

  • Be clear on your values and share these on your website
  • Share your story, be open about your mission and share your vision for the future
  • Share your why and don't be afraid to share this often

📣 Then, your audience need to like you

  • Create content that inspires your audience
  • Ask your community questions and be prepared to listen
  • Provide real value in your content don't just sell but educate and inspire
  • Show your personality - give your audience an idea of who you are

📣 Finally, it's about building trust

  • Show up consistently
  • Be accessible and clearly state how people can connect or work with you
  • Provide social proof (the impact your work has on people youve worked with)
  • Share stories of how you successfully helped others achieve results
  • Be transparent

Want to know how to do this? We'll be working through all of this and more during my community building programme over our 8 weeks together. Not only this but you'll be learning alongside fellow founders on a similar mission to build their community in a way that feels authentic to them. Join the course here.

And if you want clarity, direction and accountability to achieve your goals this year and to go deeper on the topics of community building, sign up to my community email list here

About the Author

Lara Sheldrake

Lara is a speaker, business consultant and the founder of Found & Flourish, an online network for women and non-binary people in business. Lara consults on the topics of community, business and entrepreneurship. She is on a mission to make business accessible and less lonely. Through the power of community and collaboration, Found & Flourish empowers women to upskill, connect and truly flourish.

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